in partnership with
500 K€
Promotional marketing
Shopping Centers
What are the needs of Didit?
The aim was to provide their customers (shopping centers) with a proprietary and effective software solution for scanning the contents of purchase receipts (via digital devices) with the purpose of storing and analyzing data on a cloud platform and subsequently carrying out promotional activities for their clientele
Why did Didit choose Inobeta?
Due to Inobeta’s skill in designing multi-appliance solutions, their ability to create high efficiency local systems (such as totems) using low-level technology stacks, capable of acquiring big data and processing it on a cloud platform
What improvements has Didit made?
The ability to provide a new customizable service to their clients, utilizing a proprietary OCR scanning system that can be adapted to the varying needs of shopping centers and enables the design of a tailored promotional marketing platform
Employed technologies and platforms

Piazza Falcone e Borsellino 21
47121 – Forlì (FC), Italy
Phone: +39 0543 1653749
R.E.A.: FO – 335272
P.IVA e CF: 04238170403
Capitale Sociale: € 7.000 i.v.
PEC: inobeta@pec.it