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Technical Training for IT professionals

Thanks to our ongoing internal training process and IT consulting services for various client companies, we have the ability to provide you with the professional training on cutting-edge software design topics; specifically the Agile design methodology and continuous delivery and deployment for cloud solutions.

The main topics of the course are:

Cloud & Devops
  • An overview of web/cloud world
  • Docker Container
    (overview and use cases)
  • Continuous Delivery and Process Automation
    (overview, automated testing, security and use cases)
  • Cloud deployment
    (containers, load balancing, autoscaling, and use cases)
  • An overview of the Project Management
    (waterfall and agile)
  • Basic concepts
    (Scrum, Kanban, actors)
  • Project Management with Scrum
    (workflow and use cases)
  • Simplified Management with Kanban
    (workflow and use cases)
  • An overview of Agile tools


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