Oil & Gas installations manufacturer
6 M€
Automatic machine manufacture
Service areas
Activity Period
March to November 2020
General information
Client profile
The customer builds systems that are integrated with gas pumps to manage self-service fueling. Their typical customer consists of gas station managers, to whom they provide not only the self-service system itself, but also the related IT services, such as monitoring fuel stocks, pump prices, or sale trends analysis.
Activity intervention objectives
Extension of the service package in order to provide each facility manager with the possibility of accessing information via smartphone, without the need to be physically inside the facility.
The added value of Inobeta
Although the customer had an in-house IT department, they lacked the adequate expertise to develop software capable of remote facility monitoring. Thanks to the external support of the Inobeta team, this was made possible without having to invest by hiring internal resources for the IT department.
Activity details
Analysis of current systems
The customer provided a series of screenshots of an Android app created by a previous customer. Based on the analysis of this documentation, the Inobeta team developed their own graphic proposal and a review of the logical flows in order to improve the UX experience and prepare for multi-platform development on Android/iOS. Subsequently, technical documentation of the data exchange interfaces developed by the client's IT department was provided to allow an external application to access the system's information.
Customized software development
This is a mobile application developed for both Android and iOS, which facility managers access using their own credentials. It enables them to monitor all of their facilities, with clear data on fuel dispensed and remaining stock. This software has been in production since the end of September 2020 and can be downloaded by managers from Play Store or App Store.
Implemented solution and gained benefits
- The client has been able to enhance their offering with a new service, making it more appealing in the market thanks to the addition of new features.
- Now, each facility manager can access their own facility information directly on their smartphone, without the need to physically be inside their intranet.
- The solution has been designed with an 80% hybrid e 20% native codebase so that the operational management of the project has a very consistent common basis between the two required platforms, with the advantage of greater aesthetic uniformity and a cost-saving on the development and maintenance of the software solution.
- The solution has been modularized to enable the creation of future applications, resulting in substantial savings on the costs of developing new applications.
Employed technologies and platforms

Piazza Falcone e Borsellino 21
47121 – Forlì (FC), Italy
Phone: +39 0543 1653749
R.E.A.: FO – 335272
P.IVA e CF: 04238170403
Capitale Sociale: € 7.000 i.v.
PEC: inobeta@pec.it