110 M€
Automation and industrial robotics
Raw material production and processing industries
What are the needs of Bucci Industries?
The primary need of Bucci Group was to establish a system for remotely monitoring its in-house manufactured machinery, in order to try to promptly identify critical issues, malfunction causes, energy and consumable material consumption trends during machine operation, thus establishing performance criteria
Why did Bucci Industries choose Inobeta?
Due to Inobeta’s expertise in designing complex multi-appliance systems, from the system for collecting data from the machine to the development and deployment in the cloud of a customized web application that takes care of performance, scalability and security aspects and is able to allow access to multiple user levels of strategic information for the business
What improvements has Bucci Industries made?
Two significant objectives were achieved through the consulting and development work done by Inobeta: effectively managing the delivery of a software service with the production of machines, and being able to manage and provide added value to its customers in the form of secure and scalable monitoring software
Employed technologies and platforms

Piazza Falcone e Borsellino 21
47121 – Forlì (FC), Italy
Phone: +39 0543 1653749
R.E.A.: FO – 335272
P.IVA e CF: 04238170403
Capitale Sociale: € 7.000 i.v.
PEC: inobeta@pec.it