R&D software for multi-service totems
Group's turnover
12 M€
Healthcare software production
Public and private healthcare facilities
Activity Period
Since December 2019
General Information
Client Profile
The customer develops innovative software solutions for public and private healthcare facilities, enabling users to access the healthcare institution and, by means of multi-service totem, make appointments, check-in for medical visits, receive medical reports, and make payments for services by using dedicated POS stations.
Activity intervention objectives
Strengthening of R&D staff in order to quickly realize multiple software projects, even personalized ones, for a wide range of clients, also managing the dynamics of release on production systems.
The added value of Inobeta
Despite the fact that the client had an internal R&D department, Inobeta, thanks to an internal staff specialized in research and development activities, with a deep knowledge of various technologies applicable to different hardware platforms, allowed optimizing the development of new platforms in terms of time, security and reliability of the solutions themselves.
Activity details
Analysis of current systems
Inobeta staff, together with the technical client's manager, analyzed the documentaton provided by the client regarding the operation of the current systems, producing new requirements in terms of usability for the end user and desired technical performance. The analysis led to the creation of specifications regarding the maintenance and evolution of existing systems, both in testing and production environments and for new applications via web/mobile tools to be developed.
Digital totems and online booking services
Applications that are accessible via touch interaction on totems have been developed, allowing the end user simple and intuitive navigation between the available services. The development methodology adopted allows the possibility of using such systems on totems of different natures and sizes. Furthermore, digital cloud platforms linked to the same totem services have been created and are currently evolving, allowing the end user to perform part of the booking service through personal devices (e.g. PC, tablet, smartphone) and receive real-time service update notifications.
Implemented solution and gained benefits
- The client has been able to quickly offer to healthcare facilities and end users more personalized and technologically advanced services
- Now, for authorized facilities, each client can queue for services online, avoiding early arrival at the healthcare facility
- The solution has been designed to be adaptable to multiple device types and sizes, both for totem solutions and for personal devices, such as PCs, smartphones, or tablets
- The solution has been modularized to allow compatibility with existing systems and the future creation of additional application modules, resulting in significant cost savings for new application development
Employed technologies and platforms

Piazza Falcone e Borsellino 21
47121 – Forlì (FC), Italy
Phone: +39 0543 1653749
R.E.A.: FO – 335272
P.IVA e CF: 04238170403
Capitale Sociale: € 7.000 i.v.
PEC: inobeta@pec.it