Privacy: clients and suppliers
Privacy Policy for the Processing of Personal Data (Legislative Decree no. 196/03, Article 13) – Clients and Suppliers
Dear Customer, Dear Supplier,
Pursuant to Article 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/03, Inobeta provides you with information regarding the processing of your personal data and the personal data of employees belonging to your organization, in relation to ongoing business relationships.
The data will be processed for the following purposes: management of established commercial, contractual, and financial relationships; compliance with legal obligations; fulfillment of requests of the data subject and sending of information regarding products, services, and future commercial initiatives; announcements of products, services, and offers related to services similar to those subject to the ongoing relationship; technical support, after-sales assistance, and verification of customer satisfaction level; market analysis and internal statistics. The processing will take place using paper-based, computer, and telematic tools and media. Designated data processors and/or those authorized by the Owner with relevant profiles may access the data. The data will be processed for the duration of the contractual relationship and subsequently to fulfill legal obligations. They may be communicated to controlled and affiliated companies of Inobeta s.r.l.s., our consultants within the limits necessary for carrying out their duties at our Company, manufacturers, distributors, suppliers of the Owner within the limits necessary for carrying out the activities subject to business relationships and/or data subject requests, transport companies for shipment of goods and customs procedures, banks for management of collections and payments, financial administrations and public bodies to fulfill regulatory obligations, legal firms for the protection of contractual rights, competent judicial and investigative authorities upon express request by the authorities themselves. Data will not be normally disclosed. Inobeta may use them within the framework of informative campaigns (e.g. case history) that require the dissemination only upon express and specific content given by the data subject. The provision of data is optional but necessary to establish and continue commercial and/or contractual relationships between the data subject and Inobeta.Failure to provide them will result in the impossibility of establishing and/or continuing the relationship, to the extent that the data are necessary for its execution. The data subject has the right to exercise the rights provided for in the Article 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/03 (e.g. obtain confirmation of the existence, content and origin of the data, verify their accuracy, request updating, cancellation, etc.) at any time. To exercise their rights, the subject may contact the Owner and the Data Processor indicated below, or by writing to The Data Controller is Inobeta s.r.l.s, via Carlo Zotti 20, 47122 Forlì (FC). The Data Processor is Salvatore Niglio, domiciliated for such a position at the headquarters of the Controller.